Saturday, April 29, 2006

eTwinning in paradise!

A meaningful opportunity of etwinning creativity and practices to learning in the 21st Century, bringing closer teachers and pupils from all around Europe.

THIS throught the surprising sight of Young reporters and their collection of lovely pictures tracing landmarks and people, and giving an inside look of this very productive experience!!

The eTwinning camp is on the spot this week in the island of Lanzarote! Enjoy it!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Il ponte (The Bridge story)

"...Lanciando una rapida occhiata alle sue spalle, Holly capì di non avere scelta. Prima di poter cambiare idea, si trovò sul ponte. Si fermò per riprendere fiato e proprio in quell'istante realizzò che qualcosa non andava..."

… cosi' inizia la storia di Holly, la giovane protagonista di questa intrigante e misteriosa novella che Ms Byrne, Ms Callan, Ms Kelly e i loro studenti (the StoryFolks!) hanno appena iniziato a immaginare...e a tesserne insieme la trama QUI.
Un ottima idea di come un blog puo' essere usato a scuola....che cattura e invita davvero ad attraversare il "ponte" :-)
La storia è appena iniziata....non resta che andare ...ed aprire la porta!

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"Glancing back over her shoulder Holly realized that she had no choice. Before she could change her mind she was already over the bridge. She paused to catch her breath and that was when she realised that there was something wrong..."

... that's the Holly's tale opening, a fascinating and mysterious short story that Ms Byrne, Ms Callan, Ms Kelly & their creative students (the StoryFolks!) have just started to imagine ...and jointly weaving the plot HERE.
A good idea indeed of what you can do with imagination and blog at to catch and attract you ..."to bridge" :-)
Well worth a visit… just Go and open the door!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


...c'e' sempre una nuova sfida e un modo divertente per affrontarla! ;-)